Ignite your ancestral inner masculine

Todays popular culture is one of victimhood. And what does every good victim need?. . .
Well an oppressor of course. Although many different groups have fit the build, it seems that the modern day successful human male has been the victim crowds bad guy of choice. Historical representations of the celebrated masculine traits that built everything we have today, seem almost regarded as mythological fallacies, taboo and unthinkable that a 21st century man might display such atrocious and misogynistic qualities.
Men are being culturally chopped off at the knees, rendered as un useful in any traditional context, and bound to encroaching societal norms that are not normal at all.
Well, those of us here at The Fire Inside have had ENOUGH! We have watched the takeover of our young men for as long as we will. We have fought to hold our own position through the fury of effeminate onslaught, and we've seen thousands of men and boys converted into the equivalent of women walking through life in mens bodies.
It stops now!
As many men are waking up to the dangerous nature of what awaits us all on the other side of this hostile eradication of masculinity, we are making the necessary changes to fight back. We invite you to become part of a rising group of men who are willing to do the work and put in the effort it takes to be able to actually call themselves a MAN. A group of ferocious leaders who serve our families, communities, and our world with passion and love, while simultaneously watching, waiting, and prepared to meet any threat that comes the direction of those we love.
No matter how battered, broken, or shamed, every man has a spark in himself, a spirit of courage, boldness, and power.
It is our goal in whatever capacity we can to assist every man in rekindling that spark, and fueling it daily as it turns back into flames, so we can all unleash The Fire Inside.


Learn why getting out and experiencing the unknown is such a wildly important rite for a man. Aventure leads to unfathomable growth that must be experienced to be understood and realized.


See first hand how that the hardest things are the most rewarding. Nothing worth having comes easy. Find abilities in yourself you never knew existed.


Come to understand how responsibility correlates absolutely with growth. Whatever form responsibility comes in it is prerequisite that a man takes it on if indeed he wants to be a man.

“Original and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Love Nature are always a pleasure to work with.”

Jane Miller


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